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A.4.6 String-Handling Sets and Mappings

  1. The language-defined package Strings.Maps.Constants declares Character_Set and Character_Mapping constants corresponding to classification and conversion functions in package Characters.Handling.

    Static Semantics

  2. The library package Strings.Maps.Constants has the following declaration:
  3. package Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants is
       pragma Preelaborate(Constants);
  4.    Control_Set           : constant Character_Set;
       Graphic_Set           : constant Character_Set;
       Letter_Set            : constant Character_Set;
       Lower_Set             : constant Character_Set;
       Upper_Set             : constant Character_Set;
       Basic_Set             : constant Character_Set;
       Decimal_Digit_Set     : constant Character_Set;
       Hexadecimal_Digit_Set : constant Character_Set;
       Alphanumeric_Set      : constant Character_Set;
       Special_Set           : constant Character_Set;
       ISO_646_Set           : constant Character_Set;
  5.    Lower_Case_Map        : constant Character_Mapping;
         --Maps to lower case for letters, else identity
       Upper_Case_Map        : constant Character_Mapping;
         --Maps to upper case for letters, else identity
       Basic_Map             : constant Character_Mapping;
         --Maps to basic letter for letters, else identity
  6. private
       ... -- not specified by the language
    end Ada.Strings.Maps.Constants;
  7. Each of these constants represents a correspondingly named set of characters or character mapping in Characters.Handling, See section A.3.2 The Package Characters.Handling.

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