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9.11 Example of Tasking and Synchronization


  1. The following example defines a buffer protected object to smooth variations between the speed of output of a producing task and the speed of input of some consuming task. For instance, the producing task might have the following structure:
  2. task Producer;
  3. task body Producer is
       Char : Character;
          ... --  produce the next character Char
          exit when Char = ASCII.EOT;
       end loop;
    end Producer;
  4. and the consuming task might have the following structure:
  5. task Consumer;
  6. task body Consumer is
       Char : Character;
          exit when Char = ASCII.EOT;
          ... --  consume the character Char
       end loop;
    end Consumer;
  7. The buffer object contains an internal pool of characters managed in a round-robin fashion. The pool has two indices, an In_Index denoting the space for the next input character and an Out_Index denoting the space for the next output character.
  8. protected Buffer is
       entry Read (C : out Character);
       entry Write(C : in  Character);
       Pool      : String(1 .. 100);
       Count     : Natural := 0;
       In_Index, Out_Index : Positive := 1;
    end Buffer;
  9. protected body Buffer is
       entry Write(C : in Character)
          when Count < Pool'Length is
          Pool(In_Index) := C;
          In_Index := (In_Index mod Pool'Length) + 1;
          Count    := Count + 1;
       end Write;
  10.    entry Read(C : out Character)
          when Count > 0 is
          C := Pool(Out_Index);
          Out_Index := (Out_Index mod Pool'Length) + 1;
          Count     := Count - 1;
       end Read;
    end Buffer;

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