Formatted Output package for Ada-95

--                                                                          --
--  Formatted_Output package for Ada-95 brief documentation                 --
--                                                                          --
--  Author:                                                                 --
--     Eugene Nonko,                                     --
--                                                                          --

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Escape sequences in format strings
`\n' - line feed
`\r' - carriage return
`\b' - backspace

Format sequences for strings

<justification> is
   `+' - align to right (default)
   `-' - align to left
   `*' - centered

<width> is decimal number specifying field width

   +"%s" & "Hello"                      "Hello"
   +"%9s" & "Hello"                     "    Hello"
   +"%-7s" & "Hello"                    "Hello  "
   +"%*11s" & "Hello"                   "   Hello   "

Format sequences for enumeration types

<justification> is
   `+' - align to right (default)
   `-' - align to left
   `*' - centered

<width> is decimal number specifying field width

Format specifier can be
   `c' - convert capitalized
   `u' - convert in lower case
   `l' - convert in upper case

   +"%u" & Red                          "RED"
   +"%9u" & Red                         "      RED"
   +"%-7c" & Red                        "Red    "
   +"%*11l" & Red                       "    red    "

Format sequences for integer and modular types

<justification> is
   `+' - align to right (default)
   `-' - align to left
   `*' - centered

Specify `0' before width to pad field with leading zeroes

<width> is decimal number specifying field width

Format specifier can be
   `d' - convert as decimal
   `x' - convert as hexadecimal
   `o' - convert as octal
   `b' - convert as binary

   +"%d" & 123                          "123"
   +"%d" & -123                         "-123"
   +"%x" & 123                          "7B"
   +"%b" & 123                          "1111011"
   +"%8x" & 123                         "      7B"
   +"%08x" & 123                        "0000007B"
   +"%*07d" & 123                       "00123  "
   +"%*08d" & -123                      "-00123  "

Format sequences for floating point types

<justification> is
   `+' - align to right (default)
   `-' - align to left
   `*' - centered

Specify `0' before width to pad field with leading zeroes

<width> is decimal number specifying field width

<width_aft> is decimal number specifying number of digits after decimal point

Format specifier can be
   `e' - convert to exponential representation
   `f' - convert without exponent field
   `g' - convert to shortest representation without any trailing zeroes

   +"%e" & 1234.5                       "1.23450E+03"
   +"%f" & 1234.5                       "1234.50000"
   +"%g" & 1234.5                       "1234.5"
   +"%10.3e" & 1234.5                   " 1.235E+03"
   +"%10.3f" & 1234.5                   "  1234.500"
   +"%10.3g" & 1234.5                   "    1234.5"
   +"%010.3e" & 1234.5                  "01.235E+03"
   +"%010.3f" & 1234.5                  "001234.500"
   +"%010.3g" & 1234.5                  "00001234.5"

Contributed by: Eugene Nonko
Contributed on: November 3, 1999
License: Public Domain
