How To - Win32 on GNAT

GNAT 3.11 comes with the Win32 binding, so these instructions are only needed for installing Win32 on GNAT 3.10p

This article assumes you have already installed GNAT 3.10p.

  1. Get Win32Ada bindings from PAL mirror of AJPO
  2. Get the patches from Pascal Obry's web site called pw32ada1.tar.gz
  3. You will need the utilities gzip, tar, and patch. If you don't already have them you can get them at Jerry's Win32 site.
  4. Follow the directions in the readme.txt found in the Patch or here.
  5. Copy the file YOUR_PATH_TO\win32ada\lib\win32ada.a to YOUR_PATH_TO\usr\lib\libwin32ada.a
  6. You can now compile programs for win32 by using the pragmas: and gnatmake filename.adb -IYOUR_PATH_TO\win32ada\src

Contributed by: David Botton
Contributed on: December 1, 1998
Last Updated on: March 16, 1999
License: Public Domain
