PolySpace Technologies

PolySpace Technologies
Christian Hote
100 Cummings Center, Suite 207P Beverly, MA 01915 877-711-8564 Email: christian.hote@polyspace.com
Web: http://www.polyspace.com

Description: A Quantum Leap in Software Verification

PolySpace Technologies provides a groundbreaking
solution to drastically improve software reliability
of Ada applications.

The PolySpace Verifier product uses very new approach to
perform software verification based on source code and able
to manage industrial-sized applications.
It aims at exhaustively and automatically discovering
run-time errors in Ada applications, including
out-of-bounds array accesses, float and integer overflow,
illegal type conversion, arithmetical exception, division
by zero, attempt to read non-initialized data and concurrent
accesses to unprotected shared data.

PolySpace Verifier helps a lot in reducing validation and
verification costs while increasing the quality of your
applications to a level which was simply unreachable before.
